Birthday times
birthday cake being cut in the wilderness to wish John and Fadi a happy birthday

October is the birthdays month at the union


On sunday 24th of october 1999, the land rover union celebrated the birthdays of both:

Fady Abou Jawdeh and
John Gibran

A full day's offroading was cut by a break of cutting a cake and singing happy birthday.
Here goes the details:
Before we started the trail we had to adjust the brakes of this 109 owned by Avo.
You know 109's didn't have disc brakes yet...
Then we started the trail
All had to climb high
Very high sometimes
But then Jean Chemali gut stuck in his defender 90 
So we used Nadim's hilift for the first time !
When highlifting wasnt enough, John and Nadim tied him up.
When the 90 was out , we continued the fun. 
Here's John errr jumping.
But Avo wants to fly higher
But we Nadim (the union's mouth) heard that there was a cake, he hurried like hell.
But it wasnt until all the landies gathered like a herd of sheep that we 
saw a real herd of sheep gathering around us to say hi. 
Samara suspected that the sheep might eat our cake though.
So we started builing a table !
that served as a banner
to put the union's sign on
and a table for the cake ! 
Happy Birthday Fadi 
Happy Birthday John 
After eating the cake, no need to say that samara was still very hungry.
so we continued our trail, not stopping but to pose for a photo    :)
or to defy the wind
but not the sun. 
Behold the end of a good day on Faqra bridge. 
only Nadim is happy
Click the picture for a bigger resolution ...because it is time to EAT.
Click on this  picture, to see it with a higher resolution 


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